I don't think his movies are "unquestionably popular." Its most likely just due to people running through the worthwhile stuff on Netflix and when boredom kicks in they watch his movies. Probably because it's forced down your throats the second you kid Netflix up to.
The fact that I got a code for fallout 3 a couple of months ago, but won't be playing it when it comes it because Fallout 4 will already be out. Haha. I mean seriously.
@vh0515: I would have agreed the first day of the beta, but since then it hasn't been that unbalanced. I've had some awesome matches as rebels. But the first day when everyone was still figuring it out, it seemed unbalanced.
So I've been playing this game all day, and I played the first two ALOT. Some things are a little disappointing though, I am still enjoying it but these things are kinda grinding my gears. Now I know they didn't want to copy/paste battlefield too much, but it would be nice for the kill feed to say how you were killed. In the previous games you just walked into a vehicle, not found a "power up". I would rather play the traditional conquest too. The gunplay is alright but the sniper should have a scope and be able to zoom in. No prone?! There are many others, it's a little too close to launch for any big changes. Maybe with everything unlocked I will want to play it all the time like the first two.
@larsondir82: I played the first two Battlefronts a lot when I was younger. Some of the best times playing video games while doing so. Say the game is awesome, are you saying that you won't get it because you can't look past the fact that EA made this game? Who cares if there isn't a story mode, I played the other ones for the awesome gameplay.
aberryman12's comments