@lal_ski @abhreebhu Been a FIFA fan since 99,,but played some Winning Elevens,those were really good,,but they really can't beat FIFA now,,they said that "Every Team Plays Differently",but the gameplay sucks,,as does the Career Mode!!!
@lal_ski @acenair836 agreed,,In PES 15 it looked like players were making an effort just to give simple passes!!! N what about players overall changing with positions?Do they realize Azpilicueta is actually a RB?,yet giving more rating as a LB?
Played PES 15 for 15 minutes,,uninstalled it right away,regardless what they say,PES can never reach glory days unless they do something IMPOSSIBLE,,the players looked liked Robots playing on field!!!!!!!! Yet to play Fifa 15!!!
@xantufrog anyways i just commented cause i read some users implying it's REVIEWER's opinion,,n i got a thought about critics few years back,how good they were,,n now evry1 made it a business!!
@xantufrog Well i never mentioned a team-based review,i just wrote that a reviewer should view himself as an every possible viewer,,we'll have all sorts of people for an against anything,that's where a reviewer makes a difference!!!
@captainwonton i agree with this user because a REVIEW should b based on collective feelings of all viewers rather than opinion of one person,,to b credited as a REVIEW!!
@4kgamer_lmxxx @abhreebhu m not a big lover of GTA V,,but Sleeping Dogs sucked,good beginning though,,,but for my avatar,i loved TREVOR,hardly seen a protagonist like him!!!
@_williamwallace @abhreebhu The Problem with Multiple-GS reviews is that they give bad as well as good ratings to Famous games-to please the fans as well as those who didn't like it!!!!
abhreebhu's comments