Part One:
I've just changed my main web browser from Firefox to Chrome and I'm amazed how well it works. Fluid, fast, uses less RAM and pretty looking, too. If you guys use the ugly IE, Opera, Safari or even Firefox I'd suggest you give Chrome a try.
Part Two:
I doubt many of you guys has done MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) Scan in the past, I just wanted to share my experience with you. So I went to the hospital regarding a problem in my right shoulder which happened a year or so ago(I dislocated it in a Karate training but it got back in-place by itself but something is still wrong) and the doc couldn't find what the problem is so he told me he'd take an MRI Scan in the next appointment.
Two months have passed and I went expecting something similar to the X-Ray device but I found out something else:
(Those are just random pics from the net to show you how the device looks like)
In my mind I was like "Wtf? They're gonna put me inside that machine?", the nurse looked at me and smiled(evil smile I tell ya :P) then said: "don't worry, you'll stay inside for only 30 minutes". "Ohhh, baaaby!" I said talking to myself.
They threw me in after they put a lot of protectives on my body (specially "there"), the noise inside was so damn annoying, you hear: "BEEB..........BEEEB......BEEB...BEEB...BEEB..BEEB.BEEBEEBEEBEEB!!!!!!" for 3 to 5 minutes and then the sound goes off. I thought we were done but then another sound comes into play in the same goddamn-ed sequence.
"After 30 minutes of endless nightmares, abuabed cast himself from the highest hospi..." wait wait, I didn't! lol :P