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final fantasy

About time. I finally grabbed a copy of Final Fantasy XII, and I'm disgusted with myself that I'm a few days behind release in getting it. I'm slipping in my old age.

But that's the thing. I have it here, and I'm looking at it right now, and to be frank...I'm afraid to open it. Not because I think it'll disapoint me; I was concerned about that, but such worries have since been negated by all of these positive reviews (hey man, if Kasavin likes it, I'm sure I'll at least be intrigued by it). I'm afraid to open it because this series has been with me for my entire life. If you're in the 'right' age group (anyone around the age of 24?) this series has raised you. This series raised me. I remember watching my two older brothers playing FF1, walking around that horseshoe-shaped bush/tree/forest that surrounds the opening castle (which I can't remember the name of) so that they could gain some levels before starting the adventure. They weren't the best at sharing, my brothers, but in time it became my turn, trying to suss out this game at the age of five, or six. It's been with me since. Something about the series makes me feel nostalgic whenever a new one is released. This's making me feel old. I can't possibly articulate this effeciently. It's hard to explain.

How many more Final Fantasies do I have left in me? Will they still be accessible when I have a square job? ...When I'm a parent? Can video games be handed down to your young as if it were baseball, or hockey? I appreciate that there are undoubtedly people in the world right now who are twice my age playing this game at this very moment, rather than blogging philosophical about it. Gaming will have to end, eventually, for me. When is that? At what number? XVIII? XX?