Is worth it, if you have enough money to sepnd....i mean at least a good lcd monitor (1080 i ) and a good HDMI cable, but trust worths every single dime. Now, on the blue ray matters, let me say can plays every format of cd´s and dvd´s but with one plus... it can starage 10 times the information compared with a common DVD, sooo...:)so, games with more info, with more grafics, better sound, better and bigger extras. I have all redy one, with this configuration HDMI 1080 i, Dolby Digital 5.1, and blow my eyes and ears. For me is the real next-gen console. I know, i know, there are only a few games good enough to be played, but.... so far so good, i can´t wait to see DMC 4, NG- Z, GT HD, FF XIII, KZ.
See ya, keep on gamin´
Your friend Arturo C (Mexico City)
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