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Best of E3 - Round 1 Voting Picks

I honestly don't know if anyone reads my blogs on here anymore seeing as i'm not very active on here, but when E3 is being held then i'm here and now that is over my favorite part has come, the voting for best game of E3!!!:D


There were the round one games that i voted for.


1. Thief


I've had my eye on this game since it was first annouced and i've been looking to play it since that time. It looks to be a lot of fun and i can't wait for my chance to get my hands on it.


2. Bayonetta 2


Although i may never get this game due to it being only released on the Wii U right now, i liked the showing of it and the first one was great.

3. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag


I've been a fan of these games since the first one. I have all the games and i have loved each and everyone of them. So getting this one is a no brainer, and who doesn't want to be a pirate-assassin?

4.Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze


Donkey Kong, that is all.

5. Forza Motorsport 5


I love racing games so when this was annoucned i had to have it :D

6. Titanfall


Looks like hours and hours and hours and hours of fun. Giant Robots=Massive fun

7. The Division


This game looks amazing....I don't even know how to say how much i need this game. Another must have!

8. Beyond: Two Souls


This game looks to be a big one and a mind bender as well. I haven't watched as much on this one only because i want to let the experience be that much better when i play it for the first time.

9. Rayman Legends


I have never played a Rayman game in my entire life, and i most likely wont due to it not being my type of game. I just voted for this game for the sake of voting. It was this or Fantasia xD

10.The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


I've never played this series of games before, but i have been meaning to and the thrid one just solidifies its spot that i need to play these games!

11. Need for Speed Rivals


Lately i haven't liked anything need for speed because the last great need for speed game was most wanted HD edition. These games have basically turned into a burnout paradise game since Criteon took over.

12. South Park: Stick of Truth


I'm a huge south park fan and when this game was annouced i was completely on board with it. Looks funny as hell lol

13. Batman Arkham Origins


I love this series of games. I read DC comics becuase i love DC i have been a fan of Batman since i was a child jumping off the back of my couch with a cape and another game in this series makes me feel like a kid again. Although Mark and Kevin aren't coming back to voice there respective characters i still feel this game will be epic!

14. Mario Kart


I voted for this game only for the sake of voting, i don't have a DS and i probably won't play it unless i get one.

15. Watch Dogs


I remember seeing the unvailing of this game the year before at E3 and ever since then it has been on my mind. This game looks fantastic and very immersive. I expect i will be put a lot of hours into this one.

16. Call of Duty Ghosts


Yes I know another call of duty game. I play them and i have no malice towards anyone who doesn't. I just like this games and like to have fun on them, especially the multiplayer. Don't hate!


So thats it, my round 1 picks on the Best of E3. What where your picks?

Arkham City:Harley Quinn's Revenge and Mass Effect 3:Rebellion Multiplayer DLC's

So as the title says i got both of these DLC's today, and i have both played them today because i thought why not get them? Seeing as its my birthday tomorrow i could get them as a gift to myself :P

Batman Arkham City: Harley Quinn's Revenge

Promotional Image

Personal Rating : 8.5/10

My Playthrough time: 1-2 hours

My thoughts: Its a great DLC, i wish there could have been free roam with Robin but thats okay i guess i can understand this time until they make another one with free roam for choose-able characters :P. So yeah, this DLC leaves off at the end of the Arkham Asylum game *SPOILERS* where Joker unfortunately dies by his own hand. Your robin looking for the B-Man seeing as he has been missing for the past two days and really hasn't been himself after the events of losing Talia and the Joker. It turns out he is captured by Harley who is pissed off beyond belief at him. So you have to save him and yadda yadda yadda i wont say anymore about it :P *SPOILERS END* The game play is fluid all the characters are the best as usual and it puts a close the activities in Arkham City, hopfully for good this time.

Last thoughts: wish there was more time playing as the batman and robin, and that the joker really didn't die :lol:

Would you recommend?: YES! YES! YES! if your a batman fan or just a DC fan you have to get this no matter what the excuse!!!

Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Multiplayer Expansion

Promotional Image

Personal Rating: 8/10

My play time: Couple Hours

My Thoughts: Its another expansion pack that adds on to all the others, you get new weapons, you get new classes and characters to play as and two more maps to play on as well.It is free as well so thats a big bonus when it comes to this multiplayer expansion . Dont get me wrong i love the multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 its a lot of fun, but i wish they would stop with the multiplayer dlc's and make more single player dlc's that include more armor's, bring the weapons from the multiplayer dlc's to the single player campaign. All in all for a free expansion it adds a bit more fun to the multiplayer.

Last Thoughts: fix the ending of the single player :P

Would you recommend?: Absolutely, its free so why not?

These are just my opinions, please dont be offended or yell at me if you dont like what i wrote.



I made these while i was bored. They turned out well for about 15-20 minutes on each.Let me know if you like.

Thane Krios from Mass Effect series

Thane Krios

The Normandy SR1

Normandy SR1

Version 2.0

Normandy SR1

Geth from operation OverLord

Mass Effect Sig.

Iron Man 2: War Machine

War Machine

Conner from the new Assassin's Creed III

Assassin's Creed 3

If you would like to use one, just ask :) and i'll be making more very soon from many other games and movies and adding them to this blog. :)

Assassin's Creed Revelations Collection

Yeah i decided to take a picture of my entire assassins creed collection in the in the collectors tin case that i got today.

p.s i know the 1st assassins creed is for the PS3 and the rest is for the 360. I kinda switched between systems and i stuck with the last three on XBOX. :lol:

Topic? How about the fact that i've been gone for almost 3 years?

Holy Crap! gone almost three years and finally going to start to pay more attention to this profile,... i think anyway. I dont expect to get any comments but ehhh i suppose i'm the one to blame for being gone so long.

Anyway if anyone is reading this i'll give you a recap of the past almost 3 years. As you can see the blog below this one i made a blog of turning 18 years old, well i'm kinda 20 years old now lol. I'm in my second year of college and i'm about to graduate on the last week of April. I have become more addicted to my Xbox 360 now (never thought i would say that only because i was a playstation fan to begin with...) I'm still a kingdom hearts fan and i'm very much up to date on everything about it so i suppose i'm happy about that lmao .I cant think of anything right now as its 1:38am in the morning lol

I'll try and keep updating this profile more often. In the mean time if anybody wants to add me to there Xbox 360 or PS3 my user names for both are as follows:

Xbox 360: Ace795

PS3: Ace7707

