So as the title says i got both of these DLC's today, and i have both played them today because i thought why not get them? Seeing as its my birthday tomorrow i could get them as a gift to myself :P
Batman Arkham City: Harley Quinn's Revenge
Personal Rating : 8.5/10
My Playthrough time: 1-2 hours
My thoughts: Its a great DLC, i wish there could have been free roam with Robin but thats okay i guess i can understand this time until they make another one with free roam for choose-able characters :P. So yeah, this DLC leaves off at the end of the Arkham Asylum game *SPOILERS* where Joker unfortunately dies by his own hand. Your robin looking for the B-Man seeing as he has been missing for the past two days and really hasn't been himself after the events of losing Talia and the Joker. It turns out he is captured by Harley who is pissed off beyond belief at him. So you have to save him and yadda yadda yadda i wont say anymore about it :P *SPOILERS END* The game play is fluid all the characters are the best as usual and it puts a close the activities in Arkham City, hopfully for good this time.
Last thoughts: wish there was more time playing as the batman and robin, and that the joker really didn't die :lol:
Would you recommend?: YES! YES! YES! if your a batman fan or just a DC fan you have to get this no matter what the excuse!!!
Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Multiplayer Expansion
Personal Rating: 8/10
My play time: Couple Hours
My Thoughts: Its another expansion pack that adds on to all the others, you get new weapons, you get new classes and characters to play as and two more maps to play on as well.It is free as well so thats a big bonus when it comes to this multiplayer expansion . Dont get me wrong i love the multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 its a lot of fun, but i wish they would stop with the multiplayer dlc's and make more single player dlc's that include more armor's, bring the weapons from the multiplayer dlc's to the single player campaign. All in all for a free expansion it adds a bit more fun to the multiplayer.
Last Thoughts: fix the ending of the single player :P
Would you recommend?: Absolutely, its free so why not?
These are just my opinions, please dont be offended or yell at me if you dont like what i wrote.