Oh boy, here come the socially awkward PC players. Crawling out of their mother's basement to defend the only thing in life they love. You may have a killer rig, but you also have a face, "only a mother could love". What I'm saying is, you're friggin ugly.
There's not much confusion. Titanfall is way overhyped due to a severe lack of games right now. It's nothing more than CoD clone with robots with 6v6, and barely chugging along at 792p. It's pretty embarrassing that this boring ass game is getting so much attention. The industry really sucks right now. I want an all new Zelda game, based off the tech demo. How about a surprise announcement of an all new Metroid game, with some interesting new gameplay elements. Titanfall has fallen.
The voices they attach to your comments are hilarious. It's exactly how I imagine your whiny, high-pitched voices sounding. Especially the PC elitists....I mean peasants. You can have your precious PC, I'll take a social life and a girlfriend. Enjoy your Friday and Saturday nights with grandma, you PC elitist peasant bitches!!!....hahahahaha.....wahawahawahawahawaha!!!!!
aci808's comments