Games I've Finished

It is rare that I get past 30% on most games...either because its too hard, too big or not interesting or compelling enough to make me continue on. GTA - with all of the online components associated, and some of them are damn near if not outright impossible to accomplish unless you caught it early on (like taking down a Rockstar developer in an online match- I never even met one in my countless hours in the 360 iteration of GTA V). AC and AC2 were just the right size, temperament and intrigue that I felt like going the extra distance (and it was a lot of extra). AC2 same thing. Then I decided to have a go at other types of games like COD and found that the huge online component was prohibitive as well. I'm not a completionist by nature, I just like getting the most out of what I like the most in a game. Usually, that's enough.

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Acidetched's Score

Assassin's Creed

As a amateur Crusader historian/researcher, this game resonated with me in a way few games do. The fully realized 3D environment that comprises the Holy Lands, along with Jerusalem, Damascus, Acre and Masyaf was just too beautiful to behold! Playing on the 'other' side of the line was incredibly rewarding and satisfying and I truly wished that they could've done another installment in the Crusades era, or even during the Hundred Years' War between England and France. It is the best of the series for me, as much as I enjoyed them all, this one was the one that created the greatest spark. Black Flag is a close second. Had a few bugs, pacing issues but overall, loved it loved it loved it! So much so that some 8 years later I revisited and completed the game.


Assassin's Creed II

Other than it not being a continuation of Altair's journey, this was a very solid second offering from Ubisoft. Loved it, just not as much as the first one! Just after I went back and finished the original, I turned around and finished this one too.


The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series

Huge fan of the comics and somewhat lesser fan of the TV series (which is well done but tends to depart from the source material at times that I find annoying) I had to have a go at this. Really wasn't hard to complete either, and had a great time doing it. Control scheme's wonky, like driving a tractor or similar slow, ponderous vehicle.
