42 retail ps3 games 12 psn games thats my collection of ps3 games atm i must say that ps3 is the gaming system after the pc (if i can call it gaming system) that i got the most games on. im full of joy for that and i have finish all the psn and about 35 iof the retail (some games like fifa 09,10,11 cant be finish) and when im saying finish i dont mean the achievements i dont care for those i only do some of the in the games that mindblow me like assasin creed 2 and infamus. i must say that i dint expected this generation to have so great games i was expecting a generation full of fps and copy paste games but i must say that i got some really great new video gaming fun and i love hows a gaming collection shows in my house. im one of the old school era that enjoys to go to the shop and bought the games and i must say that i dont enjoy digitals downloads. i love when i get the box into my hands opening the case and playing the game its the same feel you get when you go and buy vinil records you cant wait to go home and hear the tracks. now one of my plans is to buy at the end of 2011 a second ps3 for a backup i dont want to make the mistake that i did with the dreamcast having lots of games and only 1 console,the reason that im talking aboutis when the timelife of a console ends you really fear if something hapens to: lets say a lazer problem or a motherboard. you want your console to be like day one and from my xp in those subjects the best to do is buy a second (and a 3rd if you can) console to play you favorite games from this generation without the fear that your beloved console will "break".
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