acidrain1976's forum posts
I think the DS definitely has a ton of life left in it... It's become one of my favourite platforms of all time and I think there's lots of other people who feel the same way. :D
I think there will be at least one more Zelda and a new Paper Mario on the DS before Nintendo introduces a new handheld, but I could be wrong (obviously, lol)... Maybe they'll refine the DS once more before they make a new unit? Although I don't think the DS needs any improvements, but you know Nintendo...
I guess we'll see at E3.
The DS is so sweet... why sell it? I mean, if none of the games you see look interesting, then by all means get rid of it, but you'll just end up losing money.
Ninja Gaiden, The World Ends With You (OH MY), FF IV, a new Castlevania, Paper Mario (they HAVE to release a Paper Mario, right?)... and there's gonna be more than that.
Here's my reasoning about the Paper Mario: Other than a Paper Mario DS being an obvious release... imagine what Nintendo is going to do with the stylus and Paper Mario... a pen and paper? They're taking their time because of how innovative it's going to be. It'll be handheld GOTY if it ever comes out and no mistake, LOL.
After I played Phantom Hourglass, I knew I'd never get rid of mine, and that's just one game.
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