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Gotta start my Blog somewhere...

And this looks as good a time as any.

I have been leeching off of Gamespot for years. I was looking here yesterday to see what I could see about Turok. Actually, not much as it is new. Lots of previews and such, but there were a lot of comments.

I decided I needed to "belong" to GS for whatever reason popped into my brain pan. Lots of room in there for things to pop in. But, I bought a yearly membership. Just getting rid of the ads was good enough for that.

And a lot of other bennies I am still discovering. So, for the price of a good used game, I am now a member. No more leeching.

I just bought Turok the other day and am still playing around with it.

I had a problem that I thought was my own. The interior shots, whether it is a tunnel or indoors was a bit too dark. No amount of fiddling with the controls helped. If I pushed it to the max, I would get washed out colors.

It would have to be the developer wanted it that way. Then I ran across a comparison of Turok. This guy, "frederikfrey" did a side-by-side comparison of Turok. A 360 and a PS3. Besides me not seeing anything like that before (except for the companies and TV people out there who have more money than God) I noticed one thing.

The 360 interior shots compared to the PS3 interior shots were as my setup is done. Dark interior. The PS3 had a "brighter" version of the same shot.

One exception. When the game was "outside" the 360 exhibited good color and quality. The PS3 was darker and murkier.

Yeah, gotta be a developer thing, whatever they meant.

Go to Turok and look his video comparison up. Really amazing. Good job, Fred. I'll try and post the link at the bottom.

So, there ya go. I got my first blog post. I am up and running.

Here's the link to the Turok comparison:;title