Blog Day!
Yeah, it's time to once again to update my Blog.... Da Da Da dum....
Ya know, a while back, I was a member of this one particular Union. I received an invite to join, so I accepted.
That was pretty much it. I just accepted. I did go in and look around a bit, see what was posted on the forum and such and left. Nothing else, just left it as it was.
Several weeks passed and truth be told, I forgot I was even a member. There was this "general" type of e-mail from one of the "leaders" who was passing on some tidbits. Oh yeah, seems the leader of the Union wasn't too happy with the level of the participation in the forums and such considering the number of members that was in the Union. Seems like we were given our marching orders and go over to the forums and start posting.
Like the good little recruit I am, I went and posted.
I can't tell you what the nature of the post was, it's been a while since then. I had to wait a while and go into cool down. It seems like a few of this Union's sub-leaders didn't like what I had to say or even where I said it.
"Ooohhh, you just wait. I'll tell... You'll see. You're gonna get it now..."
And on and on... It reminded me so seriously of these yappy little lap dogs who sit on their owner's lap and bark and growl away at nothing.
There was one or two in my defense, but it was mostly a gang tackle. I invited the "leader" of the Union to weigh in. I outlined what the message said, "Go over and start posting," and what I did.
Next thing I know, the thread was locked. So, a PM was in order. Seems like those so-called leaders had the utmost say. They could yap all day long if they wanted to do so. They couldn't lock the thread and then discuss it with the "leader" themselves, but they could push their pimply-a$$ed weight around and just irritate the crap out of the members. They could do that.
I simply told that leader of that Union that if this person couldn't apply more Leasership qualities than that, then I wanted no part of that.
"Oh well. Rules are rules"
Jeez... First off, no activity. We get a message to go do some activity. I go give them some activity and get jumped on by yapping little dogs. Then the leader exhibits no leadership qualities (or at least none of the likes I have ever seen.) So I gotta do what's right for me. I can go somewhere else. There are a couple of other Union's that may appreciate having me as a member. I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see. I haven't posted in those either.
Other than that, things are just peachy. No real changes in my health. Just been cruising around about the same for the last couple of months. That's OK, also, as long as I got my drugs. But, sooner or later, things will start worsening. Don't think I am going to like that...
On the gaming side of things, I just bought "Frontlines: Fuel of War." The little movie that plays when you stick the disk in was nothing short of amazing. I almost thought it was real. But, no, it was animated. But, it was a pretty amazing clip and I thought if the game is anything like that, well, then...
I shouldn't have gone any further. The game is nothing like the clips or the cut scenes.
Why do they do that? Don't give us crap when all you did was put all your time and money in clips and cut scenes. Give us what's in the game, not the pretty fluff.
Gameplay itself is ok and I will play it through, but, c'mon developers, quit with making us think we're getting one thing and then deliver something totally different.
Or is it just me. Have I grown so old and cynical that there is nothing that is going to please me? Naw, look at my Turok review, I loved that game and the developers did not have to resort to tricks to get me to buy it. Several more games out there I like. I'll still take Halo over H3 any day. Rainbow Six Vegas Two over the original. And on and on.
What else? Nothing much, I guess. Been a long day and am wore down. Think I'll play some more GoW and turn in early.