Go back to the waking sands to talk to minfilla, then to the rising stones (at mor dhona), which also doesn't get a quest icon on the map.
if you check your journal it says "return to the waking sands".
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Go back to the waking sands to talk to minfilla, then to the rising stones (at mor dhona), which also doesn't get a quest icon on the map.
if you check your journal it says "return to the waking sands".
That's kinda the point of the 2DS (for people with tight budges or who don't care about 3D to play 3DS games).
Mewtwo will almost definitely be catchable, idk about any other pokemon from previous generations.
Hasn't Pikachu been catchable in every game so far?
As long as you don't rush through the low-lvl areas, play on normal(easy difficulty) instead of proud(hard difficulty) and maybe grind a little if you DO get stuck, yeah it's pretty easy to beat without a guide.
At each stage of the game there's usually 2 or more areas you can visit that haven't yet been completed, sometimes if you get stuck in one it's best to visit the other/s since you'll get stronger faster in higher lvl areas and you could find new equipment/skills too.
Getting the timing right on blocking is a good way to avoid taking damage from bosses and in some cases can help beat them (reflecting shots for example).
I can't say I ever found any of the game "hard" when i first played it (I was 11 or 12 y/o at the time) though i didn't play it on proud till I'd completed it 100% on normal.
3.) Change the Server.cfg to Server.txt, you need to have hidden extensions turned on for this. To do that you can easily find a guide via google.
4.) Open the now text file and you will see a number. That is the current seed the server will load, change that number to whatever seed you want.
5.) Change the Server.txt file back to Server.cfg and then run the Server.exeBeserkingKelly
right-click server.cfg -> open with -> notepad -> edit the seed -> save and quit.
No need to mess around re-naming it.
You could also just delete server.cfg which will cause server.exe to make a new server.cfg next time it's run...with a new random seed in it.
This may be a bit of a dumb question, but was the box in lava?Pyramidhead94
Not a dumb question, it happens a lot where the box is placed inside lava, but it doesn't destroy the loot it just makes it harder to find the box itself(high-rarity items don't burn).
on that note: wall-of-flesh WILL ALWAYS drop 1x pwnhammer, 1x class emblem(melee, ranged, magic) and 1x weapon(buster sword(melee), clockwork gun(ranged), laser rifle(magic)). WHICH emblem and weapon is dropped is random.
First - Coming out this week: Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
3D Dot Game Heroes
Enchanted Arms*
Eternal Sonata
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Mass Effect Trilogy
Record of Agarest War*
Record of Agarest War 2
Record of Agarest War Zero
Resonance of Fate
Tales of Graces f*
Valkyria Chronicles*
*Top Recommended
I 100% agree with this list.
Edit: sorry for the giant wall of text, kinda got carried away typing and gamespot messed up my formatting.
Check out "Rainbow moon" on the psn store. it's a good RPG if not a little too grindy. It's a turn-based grid-system combat RPG (think RPG chess),
Also worth keeping an eye out for (most shops don't stock it anymore) "White Knight Chronicles 2" which uses a semi-real-time battle system, it includes white knight chronicles 1 too(with slightly updated features). it's basically an MMORPG with an offline story mode added so don;t expect a huge...length...from the story.
hyper dimension neptunia mk2 is decent though I personally found it extremely easy, it has a very standard turn-based battle system though it allows free movement around the battlefield making position important for hitting/dodging AOE skills.
disgaea 3 / 4 are great games worth a look, they have a strong focus on post-game content and are EXTREMELY lengthy if you want complete most of the game, they use a turn-based grid-based strategic combat system.
Dragon age 1 and 2 and mass effect 1, 2 and 3 are all very simmilar in terms of game mechanics. despite the obvious differences.
Dragon age is more strategic where an emphasis is usually placed on pausing the game to command the ai characters.
while mass effect focuses more on control over your own character where the emphasis is on character placement and line of fire (or sight). i.e. hiding behind barriers to dodge bullets or sneaking around a corner to ambush someone.
both games feature a good branching storyline, lots of player customisation and story decisions.
Rune Factory Oceans (Rune factory: tides of destiny in America, not sure about other regions) is a really good RPG that stretches away from the norm, while a spin-off to harvest moon at heart (it's a farming sim basically) it has extensive RPG combat mechanics that make you think at least a little about your character's skill development. it uses a real-time combat system that can be extremely hard until you learn the best tactics for given situations (usually: carry as many hp and rp potions as possible). the game's boss fights are epic...as long as you're not over-lvled or over-equipped, in which case they become cake-walks.
Dungeon siege 3: A diablo-style top-down RPG with a decent difficulty curve and good character development, overall a great game though a little short.
Trinity universe: a strange RPG with an extremely steep difficulty curve (surprisingly, I never finished it because of the difficulty in later stages), good turn-based RPG combat with a unique skill combo system that usually leaves you trying to remember each character's skill comboes. good character customisation and skill selection, reptetive random dungeons get a bit boring.
Agarest series:
Each of the games in this series feature an extremely good storyline, unusual monster capture/combine system for adding (monster) party members outside of the normal story ones. extensive skill/equipment customisation. turn-based combat with an emphasis on positioning characters in certain formations on a grid which allows the use of extremely flashy; long winded; over-powered comboes. 2 of the games are available on psn, just watch the download size if you only have a small hard-drive on your ps3, they require just under 30 GB to download (and are about 15GB in size once downloaded).
Left out a couple of games that were listed by other people above.
There's also quite a few PS1 classics on the psn store that you may be interested in:
Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9
Arc the lad 1, 2 and 3 (and Arc the lad: arena)
To name some of the better (or at least more memorable) ones.
Feel free to ask me for any details about any of the games I mentioned here.
Taken from the gamespot walkthrough: "You need to travel back to Yaschas Massif 01X. Use a Wild Artefact to open the gate in the west of Y.M.. This will open up Augusta Tower 300 AF."
If you don't have a wild artefact you can find one in Augusta tower 200AF
This page has a walkthrugh for that area including the artefact position:
If you already have that artefact and used it elsewhere (like i did) you need to find another one that you missed earlier (they're not ALL "needed" for story progression) on a plus note this means you probably did some side-quests outside the main storyline, if this IS the case...you need to google a guide that lists all the positions of the artefacts as well as when you gain access to them.
hope that helps.
Old RPGs you might like:
Secret Of mana (snes)
pretty standard hack-and-slash, good story, semi-linear stats make each play-through slightly different (note: slightly).
Star Ocean 1 and 2 (originally SNES, PSP re-make)
good games simmilar in style to namco's "tales" series. I'm told star ocean 3 (ps2) is good but never played it, star coean 4 (xbox360, ps3) is good, but the original ones were better.
Digimon World 3 (PS1)
old-style turn-based RPG, designed to resemble an MMO in play-style. Can be a little slow but if you over-look that it's a good game.
Digimon World 4 (PS2)
hack-and-slash RPG, slow loading times but otherwise great game.
Rogue Galaxy (ps2)
unique game with good real-time combat, long storyline, end-game content and decent mini-games give it good replay value and a long play-time for 1 play-through (100+ hours minimum). most battles get a bit too easy once you can spam kisala's or jupis' spells.
dark cloud, dark cloud 2(dark chronicle in EU) (ps2)
great RPGs with a focus on building towns, dungeons can be a bit repetitve, dark cloud 2's fishing system could be made into a game by itself.
Some more recent RPGs not already mentioned:
White Knight Chronicles 2 (ps3)
multiplayer-focused RPG with a decent single-player too, semi-real-time battle system, nice town-building system which expands on the already-great one used in dark cloud 2 (it's from the same devs).
lost Odyssey (xbox 360)
turn-based RPG, decent story, relatively high difficulty lvl if you don't purposely grind in places.
The Last Remnant (xbox 360, PC(steam) )
Good game with a unique battle system, relatively high difficulty in the later stages and optional areas, LOTS of optional areas to explore with good rewards for doing so. no lvls as such, instead stats improve after every battle based on performance and skill/attack/magic usage.
edit: why does this forum ignore new-lines? O_o totally wrecked my layout....
Go to the market (the small pavillion thingy outside the church) on a thrusday or holiday between 12 noon and 5pm, there should be 3 shops there, the person on the left sells weapon skills and strangely...a brush.
I've found the market to be totally absent on some weeks, not sure why but it seems random which weeks they're missing, in some cases even on days when they should have had sales.
I got the mid-air attack at about staff skill lvl 6 or 7, same as the other weapon's mid-air skills.
It's a useful move even for people that don't use staves as it ALWAYS knocks down enemies that it hits and it hasa wide area of effect.
Follow it up with quick-hitting weapons or spells to keep the enemy down till they die.
A tip for a fellow staff user: if a type of staff seems to use a LOT of RP, try using a weaker staff fo the SAME ELEMENT for a while, if you lvl up that element's skill lvl it reduces the cost of its spells by a certain percentage.
Working on your staff skill pays off in the late parts of the game, "gods end magic" (the ultimte staff) can potentially do over 10k damage to every enemy in a wide range, for a low RP cost too.
Of the 3 special skills, the mid-air one is useful vs a few enemies(dragons especially) the charged one is pretty useless, but the one that fires strong magic is essential if you want to obliterate whole rooms.
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