In season 3 we saw a manufactured version of Dale Cooper "Douglas "Dougie" Jones" which caused him to appear as if he is not totally in control of his mind
There are at least two other persons who show similar behavior
1. In start of season two I guess when agent Cooper shot in the hotel room, after that an old hotel servant bring him milk, that old man behave like manufactured cooper. Is it that old man had his own story regarding Twin Peaks strange phenomenons? Could he also lost somewhere sometimes?
2. One of 3 girls who always accompany that Los Vegas boss.
Well guys dont just blame CEOs with their big paychecks, we should blame ourselves that we always buy their products, Almost no matter what
We despise EA and ACtivisions for so long but it just "satisfy" our minds in a specific way that makes us feel "OK now I know that these are bad companies , it will be enough and I am a good guy" then we go and BYE their stuff :d
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