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Violent Video game STUDY

OKAY! Time to be serious for alittle bit guys... What I'm talking about is How violent video games tie into murders and shootings:

My opinion is look at ALL the gamers in the world AND the game developers. Have any of us really gone off and just shoot people? NO! Instead of studying "effects" of violent games. Look at the ones already done. It increases your thought process, AND reaction time. It also relieves stress, or better yet! Go study the MENTAL INSTABILITY OF THE SUSPECTS. "OH MAN! THEY PLAYED VIDEO GAMES! YAY, NOW WE HAVE A SCAPEGOAT" in reality, I THINK it's the Media's goddamn fault. If they didn't popularize EVERY shooting and turn into the biggest drama ever, then we would probably have LESS shootings. Last but not least, I believe we should all just get along, why is that so **** hard for us. The downfall of humanity, will not be caused by Homophobia, gay marriage, global warming, or video games. It will be caused by us... Ourselves, WE will be the reason for the destruction of our species and possibly the world itself. That's it for now, I hope you all have a great day.