@Microsteve That was running on a PC mate. The PC version looks so much better. It's also being developed for PC first, and then ported. So PC is definitely the way to go on this one :D
@EL_Bomberdor This game was in development before GTA V. Also, having the women talk? MOST OF THEIR TRAILERS HAVE HAD HER IN THEM. She even explained what CtOS was in the 2012 trailer.
@ooblah @CincoToes I had my hands on it E3. They had an open booth. It played well,and was HELLA fun. It didn't look as good on the PS4 as their 2012 trailer though (Since it wasn't PC)
@ooblah @PDXmauler97 @360army Seeing as how revenue for the GTA series has been MUCH bigger on PC than consoles. This MAY win, because it's being developed for PC first then being ported to consoles. Hearing that will make any PC gamer happy.
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