I felt the demo had scenes that weren't "interactive" enough, or that didn't present enough options to change their outcome. That said, looking at the trophy list, I did found out about a path during the Experiment scene that I did not think to try, so maybe this will be as good as Heavy Rain. Waiting to be impressed, Cage.
@fredyellowone @adamska_br "we don't need to question the review"
We damn well need to question a review which accuses a game of doing something so reputable. I for one would not even give GTAV the time of day if it were actually gulty of having a mysgynystic depiction of women. But this is not the case. Accusing the game of being mysogynystic is downright unacceptable because it simply warps the perception one can have of the game while also missing the meaning of the term entirely.
tl;dr: mysogyny has become a buzzword on the gaming press nowadays.
@fredyellowone @adamska_br Indeed. I do suppose that calling trolls out on their behaviour is necessary, but what about putting the reviewer in question too? For serious, that is, not because of score but because she accused the game of promoting hate against women?
God, nice job missing the point entirely. The game is not mysogynistic, dude. Mysogyny implies "hate against women", and the game doesn't have that. At all. Including accusations of mysogyny in the review is not wrong per se, but the clear misuse of the term is unacceptable. Then again, you had to cherry pick the comments in order to show bullshit vitriol which everyone damn well knows is unavoidable given this is the internet, but noo, let's give attention to trolls instead of discussing the blatant misuse of a term which accuses the game of promoting HATE AGAINST A GENDER. This is beyond ridiculous, feedbackula person. Get a damn dictionary to your reviewers before allowing them to write in the first place.
I find it odd that reviewers try and find mysogyny where there's none. Mysogyny is a term that denotes "hate against women", it is not something to be used lightly.
It's completely out of place to try and make it the term fit in a personnal view on the portrayal of women on the game, one that doesn't display any sort of "hate against women", not from a character design standpoint, not from a writing standpoint, not from anything.
In fact, were this game actually mysogynistic, I would've never played it, as I wouldn't be comfortable with a portrayal of actual "hate against women" on a video game. Unfortunately, as it seems, the modern gaming journalist has started to use the word mysogyny to describe any and every portrayal of feminine characters that doesn't conform to their own, personnal views on how said characters should be portrayed. And now the word "hate" becomes meaningless to them.
I've no problem with the score, but that was a blatant misuse of the term "mysogynistic". It really is a big blemish on an otherwise well informed review.
@plaintomato @jimbothef I sure how you aren't implying Fez is great entertainment. Stale mechanics, pretentious and "gimmicky" puzzles do not a good game make.
Halo is overrated. For one, this article only proves to me that Black looks prettier than Halo 3. I'm sure it's very fun to play, but there are better games out there, way more fun than Halo. Heck, I'd rather play Quake 3 Arena with my pals all day than play Halo. I know people who prefer playing Goldeneye on N64 than playing Halo. It's just another FPS, no need to worhip it so much.
adamska_br's comments