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adamus007 Blog

To many amazing titles!

I have been browsing the pages of gamespot for a long.....long time, reading reviews.......browsing the forums' investigating release dates.......and just general time wasting while at work......and I thought to myself hey it time to start a blog of just general things that are on my mind! So today......on the 28/10/08 the adamus007 Blog is born......So I thought id kick it off with the ridiculously good selection of games that have graced us with their presence over the last few months and that are on their way in the months to come! Titles such as GTAIV, Fable 2, Far cry 2, NHL09, BIA:HH, Fallout 3, gears of war 2, warhammer online, Spore,........ill stop there even though I'm SURE I've missed many, basically I'm just saying we as gamers have just lived possibly one of the best years in Video game history........just thought id blog it! Haha