Well its been bugging me on how lately everyhting like Spike Tv's game Awards, and now The Gamespot Best & Worst 2006 awards can be rigged. All I do not understand is how can a game containing 50% of the votes or highest voters lose the title to a game with 13 % of votes like wtf is going on.
Some downlaodable content like the award for Special Achievment awards is messe dup! Like how can Super Mario 64 lose to UNO even though SM64 had over 45% of the votes and Uno almost had 20% like how is it possible. Could it be that the Gamespot staff's favorite game that they as a staff agreed on did not gain all the votes so they decided to rigg it and make it so their game wins? is it true? i dont know but it just seems a bit weird for a game with more votes and a higher precentage lose to one not even near half of votes or precentage.
Examples :
Tomb Raider: Legend saw the return of the series originator, Crystal Dynamics, as the developer of the game. The work shows in the way Legend returns the series to its action adventure roots by creating a series of stages that essentially feel like large playgrounds in which to showcase Lara's exciting abilities. The game packs a lot of fun moments into a relatively short experience, and while it doesn't quite achieve greatness, it stands head and shoulders above the last several Tomb Raider games, which is exactly what makes it the most improved sequel of the year.
Precentage : 33%
Votes : 714
Award : Most Improved Sequel
If you want to get technical, you can say that this game is the sequel to Final Fantasy XI, which was an interesting experiment but certainly didn't live up to its pedigree. Final Fantasy XII took the series back to its console role-playing roots while reinventing the combat system and wrapping it all up in a lengthy, engaging story.
Precentage : 36%
Votes : 788
Lost ; Do no understand how its possible.
Example # 2 :
If the amazingly grotesque sound of a vile Locust soldier being chainsawed to death doesn't get your blood pumping, you clearly have some kind of serious medical condition and should seek help immediately.
Precentage : 50%
Votes : 1, 240
Dead Rising
No game has ever wielded more instruments of zombie destruction, and through some incredible effects work, those instruments of death became even more enjoyable to use
Precentage : 18%
Votes : 479
Awarded : Best Sound Effects!
I do not anyhow understand how its possible for a game of 18% to defeat one of 50%, for me theres only 2 answers:
1 : The voting system of the ballots for each catageory was misunderstood and counted wrong.
-Possibly but it wouldnt take a rocket scientist to figure out the precentage and who should win
-Why would the system glitche on such an important role of awards for the long running gamespot site?
2 : The awards were fixed or rigged so that either the voters votes did not matter or were discarded and taken toward something else that the GS staff had hoped would win.
-strongly agree due to huge facts of having my vote not matter even though my fav game recieved a higher precentage by 32%.
- i do not think that the gamespot staff would sink this low into picking games that could posisble suck and win for thier own plessure
-it could be true but why take the time and effort into making these awards if you are only going to rigg them and have the preciese voters votes discarded fromt he "allowed-section"
Well this is my Rant and Theory of what happens toward the Special Achievements Award. i wouldnt be suprised if the same had happened for the other 3 catageories.
Well time to wait and see if the Dubios Honors Awards are the same, and if they are then a pattern has occured and possibly made my theory of having the staff rigg the so called "Election" of this game style voting. So watch out, your vote may not count in the next election.
If you have any questions or comments please advise them below!
"Hi. The winners being displayed are GameSpot's choices for the awards that were decided well before the voting even began. The reader voting (and thus, the percentages you're seeing) are completely separate from those awards. We'll be presenting the reader's choices based on those votes in January." - Jeff
If the gamespot staff had picked these awards then what fun is it into having the Gamespot Users vote toward the awards due and not of what the gamespot staff thought. It wouldnt be called Gamespot Awards but Gamespot Staffs Picks Not Yours! I now see it when the video's show results of the picks from the staff but a bit of a warning or heads up would have been nice and not one week before the things started, they could have stated themselve's into telling us users that the winners picked would be theirs and not ours. Which would save me and other users of asking questions about the precentage and all.
The dubious awards have ended and a new era of WTF has emerged!
Most worst use of Advertisement in a game was prettyg ood yet the precentage was messed up! I do understand of what Jeff had stated but how come the news f saying that "The follwoing winners were picked from Gamespot Staff, your vote will be issued on the Readers Choice Awards." Clearly I did not find anything close to relating of what I have said. Well lets continue on.
Worst voice Casting was won by Spyro : A New Beggining had a great and pretty well fit voice actors but I just don't understand of what the Staff was thinking when they picked the game. It would be better to have the staff show their precentage of who disliked which game and who liked which so that the users of Gamespot do not get irrated and wonder what is this site going to! It wouldn't be fair to us users to see our precentage and not theirs, like not everyone can agree on one game.
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