Alright this really involves the lotr bfme 2 game and i dont understand why the **** it wont play on the computer. The sytem memory is temperarily at 248 KB and i need 256 KB but with lotr bfme 1 i had 246 and it worked fine but now its all ****ed up.
So all i can do now is wait about 10 days before this lady can come over and fix the dumb problem or i can perswaded my parents:twisted: into allowing me to buy a new pantium 4 processor unit that will alow me to play both lotr bfme at fast speeds and at high graphics. The videos at (click on lotr bfme) make the game look so cool and best but god i hate these dumb*** taxes and dumb*** high prices.
For those that ahve high system memory please tell me how to increase it from 248 to 256 and please help. But all i can play is HERO creator and war of the ring(not the whole thing but not even the battles just then moving spaces.) also i cant even watc the tutorials but i can watch the video's.
The problem lools like this
or go here
Also this pc is slowing the crap down of this computer man its so slow takes about 15 minutes just to get my dumb internet and pop ups to be gone and working.
Till later as i will express me anger in many ways.
Good luck, Good night.