Yeah the prices that are increaseing for gameing are just pathetic. I liked the good ol days were games were about $40 and not $60, instead of increaseing game prices why not decrease them by 10%, i mean you would sell more units that way. Also like the xbox 360's "breakdowns" it definetly leaves itself open to its competitors of knowing what problems to fix and how to improve. You would never want to be the first company to release something until you exactly know if it will or will not fail.
Those news seem very very interesting ajnd have given me something to think about. But anyway i dont care much about what video games do to me but i see myself haveing more Accurate Hand-eye cordination and being able to see things that are near my door even though i am starin at the television shooting or beating some guys up. basically to me video games make me better :) . Also i would actually want to ahve a game be alot and alot more realistic because if for some reason i dont know of now, i or anybody gets into that type of situation we would know what to do, also it would show you what you should do and what you shouldnt. Plus arent video agmes being used to train the U.S. Army? Well i saw it in this one show on Discovery channel. I say : Matter not the realistics of a game, but the factor of which we feel remarcable to our fantasies coming alive. What i mean is if we want our fantasies to come true, lets say we wanted to go be a mercenarie and blow sh!t up , and we were unable so we create a game that will give us that ability to do. To me Video Games have improved my life and havent done anyting bad but letting me know that when life keeps you down, turn to your virtual reality system and say : You know what world I have had enough : and shed those tears of joy and go play some Virtual Reality baby. Never mind that last part :lol: , but still I dont want some smart dude or company telling me the risk of one thing that i love being the most A GAMER.
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