Do you find yourself getting lost inFinal Fantasy XIII? Do you not know your d-pad from your face buttons? Maybe you aren't the best Super Street Fighter 4player. Then look no further! These exclusive pro-tips used by MLGplayers,John Carmack, and Captain Picardwill increase your gaming ability by 100%! Training of this magnitude can cost people hundreds of dollars! However, I'm giving them to you for FREE! Simply post your social security number, full name, drivers license number, bank account number, last three schools you attended, two phone numbers, mother's maiden name, your doctor's information, your employer's information, address, age, and credit card number below. :P
1. Shoot those guys!
In most games, you're typically defending yourself against waves of relentless foes or mercilessly murdering anyone that doesn't look like you. In Call Of Duty, it's easy. The player simply has to hold down the trigger and proceed to walk forward. However, titles like Fallout 3orGrand Theft Autothrow some curve balls.
Depending on how the game is designed, there may be civilians or other targets you don't want to harm through collateral damage. Killing a pedestrian in Grand Theft Auto will trigger a fight with local law enforcement. In Fallout 3 you run the risk of killing a potential ally or quest giver. Other people in the game's world may frown upon murder, therefore hindering your future progress.Some games may require you to be more tactical in how you approach encounters such as Arma. In Left 4 Dead,it's imperative the player knows the layout of the level and have constant situational awareness. While Left 4 Dead doesn'trelyon Headshotsor tactical play, there's a strong emphasis on coordinated play and controlling the situation.
Regardless of whatever game you're playing, if you're given a gun you need to shoot dudes who want to shoot you. Not shooting guys will result in failure. If all the enemies are dead, there's no one that can kill you, right?
2. Get that stuff
A voluminous amount of games revolve around gathering resources in order to properly play or merely progress.World Of Warcraft, Torchlight, and Diabloare primarily about collecting "phat loot". It's all about getting a sword that deals larger DPS, bigger shoulder pads, or a more powerful wand. Not looting bodieswill run you the risk of missing out on rare items and useful potions.
It's not all about the loot. In certain games, the player will have toscavengefor ammo and other items in order to survive. Gathering weapons and ammo in Haloisn'tnecessarilydesigned for players to explore the enviornment and discover a hidden chest or something. But in other games likeandBioshock, the bulk of your inventory won't be gathered by simply walking over your dead foes.
It takes some getting used to understanding the differences of which games willenticeyou to explore for new stuff.The Legend of Zeldarevolves around solvingenvironmentalpuzzles to access new items, World of Warcraft asks players to complete quests and kill difficult bosses for a chance to get new items, and in Call of Duty you simply walk over corpses to gather ammo automatically.Regardless of what game you're playing, you have to get stuff to be successful.
3. Don't get hit
It's a simple concept. Most failure in games are due to the playerdying. Dying is typically a result of the player getting hit by a lethal attack from an enemy. Not getting hit should be at the top of any gamer's priority list, for it's imperative for success. If you follow this simple rule, you can be the next world champion inStreet Fighteror Halo. Maybe you want to be at the top of theSmash TVleaderboards or want to finishMega Man 9? This is a crucial tip for anyone who plays videogames.
4. Talk to those people
A lot of progression in modern videogames revolves around having the playerengagein conversation withNPCs.Characters in the game world can have quests, tips, or in some cases items to give to the player. Most people of interest have some visual indication that can be a viable asset to the player. This can be an exclamation mark over their heads, they can be standing in a glowing circle, or in some cases standing in an obvious spot that catches the player's eye.
In most cases when you're playing videogames, if something catches your eye it's probably worth checking out. Now we're getting into an age were the game's plot can rest on how god or bad you treat other characters. You might be able to get certain things out of people by being an **** but treating other characters with a positive moral compass might earn you rewards down the road.
5. Use More Skill
So you can't control weither or not you get hit. The puzzles are too hard. Is this your fault, or is the game just jacked up? In most situations it's your fault. If you're unable to get your kill/death ratio in the positives while playing Quake,using more skill will probably improve your game. A lot of people complain about not being able to play fighting game correctly. Well, if you utilize more skill you will be hard-pressed to not find better performance in your game.
I play a Tank in World of Warcraft. It was hard for me to generate and maintain the aggro I needed to keep mobs off of my DPS guys. This is when I came up with the idea to use more skill. After that, I'm holding 5 mobs at once and I'm the only member of my party that's taking damage. My healer loves me!
6. Don't S**k
If you fail at using more skill, you might suffer from an illness called S**king . Well, have you thought ? When a player , it's hard for them to win or even simply progress through a single player game.
When gamers simply not s**k , their success rate in videogames go up 100%. Remember, no one likes a s**tbag .
7. Shoot better
A lot of games involve shooting. In the last decade especially, shooting has become reliant on accuracy. Headshots should take priority in the majority of modern shooting games. Players that shoot center mass or not even hit their target won't be having good scores in Halo and will have a rough time getting through Left 4 Dead.
Shooting better will result in more enemies being killed faster, thus eliminating all obsticles and allow easier progress through a game or guarentee victory in an online match. Shoot those guys! In most cases you want to shoot dudes in the head and shoot dudes quickly. Speed is key!
8. Stop Dying
And here's the granddaddy of all tips, stop dying. Virtually all games are designed for players to overcome an obstacle.Failure to do so typically involves in-game death which wins the player nothing other than a gameover screen. You may be able to survive skipping over a couple of the above tips but whatever you do, do not skip number 8.