adit942 / Member

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One Reason Why it's cool to admit that you're a GAMER.

Take a hard look at yourself. You're fat, pale, and the closest you've gotten with a girl is when you held Stacy's hand in Middle School before you gained all that weight. Look at your phone. No one in your contacts besides mom? All of this is because you're a pathetic nerd. Wait, non of that is true?

I read an article from Cracked titled "5 Reasons It's Still Not Cool to Admit You're a Gamer", written by David Wong. The author clearly exists in some parallel universe were anyone who ever touched a gamepad is cursed with eternal virginity. Half his arguments are statements about the game industry that "real people" wouldn't even be aware of. I mean, do your non-gaming friends know what the hell DRM and DLC even are!?

Ign's GameScoop podcast has a segment called "Knockin' Boots". This is were the listeners email in their questions regarding love and sex. The segment is actually pretty funny, and surprisingly enlightening. However, a user asked if he should "break it" to his girlfriend that he plays games. Is that code for he's having a homosexual affair? Doing drugs? He's a Taliban spy sent to America? Or deep-down is he ashamed to own a Playstation?

Why would anyone hide a hobby? Unless of course that hobby includes teddy bears and tea-parties. We all have our secrets. However, videogames are socially acceptable and often times utilized as a social tool. Not many of my friends are hardcore gamers by a longshot, but they all own a 360 and they all play games. I'm puzzled as to why anyone would be embarrassed to be a gamer. Lets take the obvious, impressing females. No, your date doesn't care about that purple drop you looted in WoW last night, but you being a gamer isn't going to be a deal-breaker if she was thinking about giving you some.

I've dated some attractive girls in my life. I never dated a "gamer girl", but all of them were actually interested in learning to play games. Or at least didn't care about how I spent my free time. Females typically have a mind set that outside the Wii, videogames are just a guy-thing. Our girls go shopping, we play Halo. Tell your love-interest you enjoy gaming, but like any subject she may not care about, don't go on about it.

I'm probably more into games than anyone that knows me has ever met. I love reading reviews and news and my life is planed with a job in game journalism in mind. However, I'm not a loser. I'm healthy, in-shape, I'm social, I go to parties most weekends.

There exists a type of person that makes us look bad. It's that guy. You know, that guy. That guy who wears his faded black "For the Horde!" T-Shirt, reads Manga at school and doesn't have good hygiene.There's also that muscle-head guy who always shows-off how many push-ups he can do in 2 minutes (I can do 43), that guy who talks about his car too much, and that guy who drinks too much (I drank like 2 whole cases a couple of weeks ago). So every activity has its ****