I am NO fanboy at all...I have 16 consoles and around 1400 games in all.
I am just mad at MS for its junk consoles and just dont think I want to support them any longer. My launch 360 died after only 8 months and my new one is still going but im just not sure if I should keep supporting them.
I am a big gamer and know MS has the games right now. I have 14 360 games, 2 wireless controlers, 1 wired controler. I have a lot to lose I guess. My LIVE is almost up and I have no intention of renewing it.
Im not a crazy MGS fan or GT fan so those arent reasons. I dont have a 1080p tv but I do have a 1080i. I have no real reason for wanting to leave MS other than I just dont trust their consoles any longer. Im scared to buy new games as I never know if my console will die on me the next time I turn it on or not. Chances are it will..lol...I do have the warranty untill sometime in 09.
What do you guys think? Am I crazy for worrying about it? Should I be upset that the 360 is the ONLY console out of my 16 that has ever failed?
Any good advice is welcomed......Thanks
PS....I posted this in the PS3 forums and I get a "terms of violation" noitce..LOL...rediculous.
i would say get rid of it and get the original xbox if u dont have it.MS did a surprisingly great job with the first console but the x360 just sucks (hardware wise).
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