It's really quite sad, but in society anymore it has come to this basic point: Love Halo or you're an outcast and there is something wrong with you. Ever since the invention of Halo on the original Xbox (Which by the way, was NOT the reason I bought an Xbox like many folks - I bought my Xbox for Splinter Cell) I have found it so boring. The first Halo I lost interest when the Flood came in. The second one I foolishly rented again, became bored with, and returned. The third Halo I rented, and yet again became bored with it and just sent it back. But people will sell their soul for access to the next Halo games early. Hell, some will do it just to get the game when it launches. For...this? And trust me, it's not because I'm bad at Halo games. I could keep playing, it just got so old and repetitious that going on just seemed pointlessly boring. Since the point of playing games is to, erm - have fun, why would I keep playing something that isn't fun?
But you're not allowed to disagree with the masses. And it's only the masses because it's so dumbed down and simpleton. It doesn't get anymore basic. There aren't even any puzzle sequences that require any thought. Just run and gun. Perfect for that casual gamer who hates having to use the brain for anything...the only people with even less brain processing would be those sports game players (Ironically the overlap between this group and the Halo group is pretty big). Why is it so hard to believe that people would dislike Halo? I find something like Half Life 2 to be far more intuitive and interesting to play than any Halo game I've ever played. The stories in games like Call of Duty 4 are even vastly superior.
If you disagree and say Halo is boring and lame, then people assume there's just something wrong with you. If having higher standards and demands from a game means something is wrong with you then yes, there is. People seem perfectly content to keep playing the same boring game from Bungie over and over again with some new lame reason why you're there this time. Even as of late they ran out of ideas to keep using erm-Master Chef? Whatever his name is - (couldn't be arsed to care) so now they're just trying to see how they can use the other characters in the game to keep making the same game with tweaks and getting idiots to buy it. It reminds me of all the spin-offs that the original Half Life inspired like Opposing Force, Blue Shift, etc where you played as someone else encountered by the main character in the game. If they kept going, soon it would have been the game from the perspective of a janitor or something. Much the same with Halo: We have it from the main guys perspective, now here's the common soldier, next we'll have the special forces, and how about the AI's point of view next? I mean really, it gets old and then it's time to make a new one.
And what needs be done is what Valve changed between Half Life and Half Life 2. Halo is stuck on that infinite expansion of boringness that the original Half Life was doing and it needs a game to make it "2.0" so to say. New and different than the other ones all together. But given how generic Halo is that is hardly possible. Bungie should really just release some totally new games instead of making every version of Halo they can think of from every possible viewpoint. Soon we'll get lame crap like Halo Tetris or Halo Bejeweled...
But idiots will be idiots. Just keep feeding them their generic boring games...a little bit of Halo here, little bit of Gears of War there, until we have a nice evenly stirred stew of BORING...