admund's forum posts
I'm not sure if its a poorly optimized game...but Crysis Warhead was optimized better for the same graphics. I still think Crytek was going all out on setting the benchmark for visual candy.[QUOTE="admund"]
Crysis is a poor example.That game is either too far ahead of the curve or it's poorly optimized. My PC has similar specs to yours (I have a slightly faster CPU clock speed,4GB RAM, and the same card), and Mass Effect 2 runs great on it.
*Benefits - Piracy. PS3's Blue Ray discs have not been pirated, for games as far as I know. Frequent firmware updates that allow the weeding out of hacked console systems.
Blu-Ray has already been hacked and so has the PS3 just recently. It's only a matter of time before the PS3 starts suffering from piracy issues. Again, piracy is overblown on the PC platform and it has supposedly been dying for the past 15 years. PC gaming isn't going anywhere.
Exactly. Its an overstatement, & the PC gets the boot for it.+ Media banging on our heads with juicy stories that not necessarily represents the best of truth, mostly hype and user polls. Jihad extremists for one example of the stereotype we have for Arabs.
Yeah, quite a few threads...I apologize for adding to the masses, but just wanna voice my op.
Well WoW for that matter, an MMORPG, MMORPGs home will always be the PC no doubt. DotA, CS1.6 will be the retro-classics of the PC.
The PC still has a future with Starcraft 3 & Diablo 3 stated for released in the unannouced future. Those are the classics...
But for consoles, it seems that majority are for the console. As I stated earlier, there are fewer hardcore or PC tech-enthusiasts compared to the casual/even hardcore console gamers. PC won't disappear from the gaming world, but maybe become a minority =/
It'll still be there, just that maybe we'll get half-assed games being ported to us from consoles. Long delay of games for the PC when Consoles already had their share (Assassin's Creed 2 I'm looking at you, Ubisoft). And then with people wanting an easy, fast, hassle-free multiplayer experience which the console can provide. No server technicalities or responsibilities, just pure plug&play.
I'm not sure of statistics either, but do game developers make a loss due to "Piracy"? OR they still make a profit, just not as much as they would for not piracy. Blame the pirates for making PC gaming unprofitable, but I feel that genuine players or even majority of any player for that matter would want to enjoy the game. And most games today comes with multiplayer (almost a standard requirement), the joy of playing against and with other players. Pirated games can't give that mode to the players & I believe they will still make sales & profit quite good from it.
Yeah, it is a bomb to continually keep your rig up-to-date. Which I find that the best is to get almost the best/the best during a certain period where it would last for maybe 2 years?
Then upgrade again when performance really dips for the currents games...e.g. less than 30FPS. I was on Core 2 Duo 2.1GHz, 3GB RAM, 512MB GeForce 8800GT playing Crysis at less than 20FPS in multiplayer. ~_~ but im making the upgrade now
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