It happened to me with Gears of War 4. I sent an email to customer service and they gave me a free digita code for the ultimate edition that same night. I didn't even have to open the physical copy I received the day after release day.
@khanwashere: it figures a fanboys feelings were going to get hurt with my comment. Am I moron? No, I'm something else. Are you an idiot? You get this game on Tuesday for 60 bucks and we'll talk again in 3 months, when I get this game for 15 bucks. Maybe we can play together. It sounds like you need a friend.
This looks pretty interesting but I'm still enjoying Gears 4 at the moment and with my Switch arriving next week, by the time I have time for this game, it should be about 15 bucks. Regardless, it's still something to look forward to.
adrdeju's comments