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Are you expecting "perfect" games this Gen? Think again.

Before I begin, I'd like to say this:  Kids piss me off.  It's not their youth or energy or crying.  It's the attitude that they somehow know everything, yet have seen little and understand even less.  So, to bring you to the situation: a guy makes a great thread about biased people and their refusal to embrace a console that is obviously good because of stupid reasons.  So a guy posts a reply like "well I'd be pissed to if I paid $60 and the games weren't perfect and..."

Well you konw *perfect* immedieatly caught my attention for a number of reasons.  This was part of my message to him:

"If it is your expectation that every game be "perfect" for just because you're paying $60, you're either too young or too ignorant to have any meaningful perspective.  Games don't magically get better just because you're paying a few more dollars for them. That few more dollars helps these devs cover the dozens of extra programmers and artists they have to hire so that kids like you can feel like your "next gen" experience is every closer to the impossible goal of something mistakable for real life.  The Law of Diminishing Returns suggests it so.  Games will generally be no better than they were in any other generation.  You'll have some AAA's.  You'll have some AA's.  You'll have mostly A's.  PERIOD.  If you think the fact that you're paying more will have any bearing on the number of AA and AAA games that will come out, you're sadly mistaken.

So yea...I get pissed when I read vain babble by kids like you who have no perspective and no base from which to speak...yet you type as if you have seen it all.  You probably weren't BORN when the NES came into the world and changed everything...your N64 was probably your first real system.  You're too young.  Listen to your elders.  You'll learn something. 

Too harsh?  On the spot?  Let me know!