Steady growth in a multi-billion dollar industry, I agree with speedracer 3190. Its not stingy, its understanding when you are being gouged by an industry
@zowbaid Billions are at stake if Sony wins this, "could" is a make-believe term in the world of corprate profits, if there is technology available and they feel the market will still make more profit next year (and trust me, they would have done lots of research in this) then they will....
Oh I completely agree, if Sony does it, so will every other developer. I am a huge Sony fan, never owned an XBOX (not a fanboy, just dont have enough time to play both) but IF the new Sony system has this program, and the new XBOX does not, then I will be the pround new owner of an XBOX and never pick up a playstation again... this stuff blows...
This is pure greed, if anyone thinks this will be used to improve content for games, they are not looking at this realistically. They used the same excuse with DLC’s, now some developers are releasing DLC’s on the day of launch, and you are really missing out on the full experience unless you are willing to drop an additional $10+ dollars. (like options on a car, having tires, windshield etc should be standard…) this is going to go strictly to corporate profits as Sony is looking to grow their empire and keep their shareholders happy (and other gaming developers, and you better believe it, if one does, they all will). It is just so disappointing that gaming has come to this, but I guess it was inevitable….
Yea, but when you are a multi-billion, multi-national corpration, with billions at stake if they win this, those are usually part to the applications that get pushed through lol
What people need to realize, the cinematic music of today’s games can have the same lasting effect as the original 8 bit sound tracts, just like older movies like Star Wars themes weren’t 8 bit classics but we still remember those. What made the classics to memorable is one part nostalgia, also video game producers couldn’t get lazy with it, they had to make it catchy or you would pull your hair out listening to 8-bit beeps and bops. ALSO take that and the face you would hear the same theme looping over and over again, it gets burnt into your head for all of eternity. So yes, there is great music in some of today’s games, but with the higher quality cinematic music, its sometimes easier to get lazy by just throwing in a bunch of sounds and special effects
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