First of all when replaying the game making it so you can skip cutscenes. When enemy is begging for mercy like in this one. Being able to give them mercy and possibly have them join your side and be like a double agent. Being able to non-leathel take down's usefull for the beggar's and crazy's. Do a sleeper hold and nock them out for your mission. Have mutliple stealth kills. EX: Approach a group of patroling gaurd's and take them all in one stealth kill and they never see it coming. Lock on the three gaurd's two in the distance and one in front of you. Kill the one in front of you then you use throwing knives for the two gaurd's in the distance.
When doing things like getting the location of the guard patrol's have them show up on the radar. I mean when I did information mission's you get gaurd partol location's then once you get to the assassination they don't show up on the radar. Adding rope weapon's that are non-leathel and leathel. EX: Following an imformation mission and they don't go anywhere private. You hide then rope them in to where you can to start convince them tell you the info they know.
Being able to ride your horse inside city's. Going at a slow trot would be the OK way and then going full gallop would gather attention. Jumping from your horse like in Shadow of the Colossuss. Save anywhere. Having wall jump move's like in Prince of Persia.