The text made readable on SDTV's. Well the survivor A.I. could use some improvement. I mean I got shot by one of them with one life bar left and died then I had do that part again from my last save, having them climb better, when health items are near by when they have low health they go use them if they don't have any on them and then arm up their weapons.
Use weapons in small swing for when other survivors are real close so they don't hit them. The survivors being able to have stock not that many stock slots though five would be fine. This would usefull for them carrying health. Weapons lasting forever when survivors use them to return.
When piggybacking survivors if you have any weapons the survivor will be the one to wield it, but you'll still controll it's use if you see what I'm saying. When holding hands or your doing the arm carry you can use one handed weapons. Taking picture's to be smoother when you've zoomed all the way out, because you know when you just barely tilt the stick it goes flying.
Just like when sniping. When manual aiming you can move around FPS style like in Halo. Survivors help other survivors with you go to the pause menu you go a screen that has the survivors you escorting back on it and say you can walk fine so you carry that survivor who has broken leg.
Survivors that go back on their own. For the survivors that can make it back just fine on their own the reason their at where there at is they don't where it's safe. So you tell them the safe place or have them follow you. Having the survivors climb anything you can. Give them orders like CLUMP which will have the clump closely together.
With enough room between them so they don't trip over each other. For these next two you go to that same screen in the pause menu. When you see survivors have low health you can tell them to use a health item or tell all of them to use a heatlh item. For the fuction of over there when tell survivors to go to a spot.
An improvement on that would be to tell just the injured ones to over there and have the ones capable of fighting clear enough zombies to make it easier and then just press Y to get them following you again. Follow the Leader (FTL) where they form a straight line behind you and again with enough space between them so they don't trip over each other. This and having them climb anything you can would be usefull.
EX: in the warehouse when you have survivors you need to take the elevator, but if they could do what I just said you could take the shelves. Carrying rope you could use it to tie survivor's to you or tie up zombies. Tieing a hook the end of the rope and using it to climb walls. With the hold hands escort make it a death grip, because you just brush a wall to hard or turn to sharp they loose grip and it's pain to get them holding hands again. Also for ones that have hold hands options you should be able choose between hold hands or carry them.
Being able to store items in the safe area. Whatever it may be if it's a security room again, office, store, or a building depending how big the game will be. Being able to create multiple save files. Being able to play monkey and climb anything. EX: climbing fences, climb through broken window's. EX: In Wonderland Plaza youcould break out a window and just through to get to Lesiurepark instead going to theFood Court. AndSeon's food & stuffyou have to go around to reach the medicine areawhen you could just breaka window and climb through. More use of vechiles. EX: you have a group of survivors with you they climb into the vechile with you then you drive to safety. A nice bonus with this one be being able to break through the glass doors.
With theseI put the person down that was the first to sayit.Idea's from: MAXPAYNE4664, Online co-op where you can make a small group and survive the outbreak. /// noneone3, ability to use ammo clips and crouch. //// Archerman44, make it in an amusment park.
David0079, It'd be more fun with animals in the parks like zombie dogs, zombie crocodiles, zombie monkeys... Some unknown terrorists with heavy arms & armor cars occupied an amusement & prevent people from leaving. They hold hostages in the park & demand a helicopter in 72 hours. While in the park, some idiot terrorists shoot the animals there & let some monkey escapes. Hours later people are bit by hostile monkeys & start to zombify..... Player A : Leon - A cop on vacation in the park. He try to save people & stops the terrorists from killing people. Player B : Suki - A young Japanese animal doctor working in the park.. She want to get the escaped monkeys to develop an anti-dose to cure the unknown virus. Player C : Ada - An government secret agent who try to get back some important objects (top secrets) stolen by the terrorists. Player D - Jesse - a young reporter who want to get first hand news in the park.