Ideas for the splinter cell game after coviction. One thing I'd like to see is more ways to hide a bodies like being able to hide them in lockers, under desks, beds. Just basically being able to hide them anywhere Sam can fit. When you want to put the enemy in corner cause it's the only really dark spot and the place where the enemy won't see them. I know this seems like a lot programing to do but it's not. They can map it all the more complex setting down the enemy to the Y button. You hold it down and something like Push/Pull which will have Sam set the body on the ground just push/pull it around. This would be use full for putting them under stairs that in past games you would've be able to get under when carrying a body. Then Corner where you have one of Sam sides to the wall and Sam neatly puts the body sitting with it's back to the other wall and Sam would tuck the legs in. Then Lift which have Sam lift the body over railings. Then Tow which would have Sam tie his rappeling wire to the body. Then hook it to himself then climb to where you want to put it and then tow it up. Then Double haul when already carrying a body or there's two close together. If already carrying a body you would set it down then grab both bodies by one arm and just drag them.
I would like to be able to wake up a knocked out enemy also. This if for if you have to use some non-lethal's to knock them out, cause you don't think your going to be able to get up behind them and grab them, because you wanted to see in they would give you some simple helping tips.
Things I'd like to see return is the wall grab they added in this game.The SWAT turn move that they added in Pandora Tomorrow. I would like see this added for corners as well. The wall grab that they added in Double Agent.