Last night, I downloaded Beats to my PSPfrom the Playstation Store. it cost afullfour pound ninety-nine pence! Awesome!
This is the first rhythm game I'm ever bought, although didI play the hell out of PaRappa the Rapper on my friend's PSOne when it first game out, and I tried (and sucked at)DDR in the arcades (when there still were arcades in Canada...). What makesBeats totally butt-kicking, apart from thelow-low price tag, is that you can use your own mp3's with it. I've been playing it all day to Daft Punk, Ratatat, Justice, and MSTRKRFT, and it's all good! I can't stop tapping my foot when I play.
The game also has a mode where you can mix your own tracks from a set number of instruments and rhythms. Kinda fun, but it's the core rhythm game that makes Beats lots of fun.
The visual design of the game is really slick too. There are a number of eye-catching themes for the menu and visualizations for the game screen.
All in all, for 4.99 GBP, my PSP's justbecome much more fun!