On my bookshelf, I've recently started a section for books about video games. My focus is on non-fiction that explores the culture of video games, rather than on novelizations or strategy guides. It's a small section so far, but it's already got some great books and it's growing. Here's what I've got:
- What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy by James Paul Gee – This is an awesome book that breaks down the many ways we can and do learn from video games.
- Grand Theft Childhood by Lawrence Kutner and Cheryl K. Olson – A good book with solid research on the effects of violent video games: It's not as bad as the panic-stricken masses think.
- Extra Lives by Tom Bissell – A fantastic, cultured read.
- Playing to Win by David Sirlin – If you really want to know how to win, read this book.
- Okami Official Complete Works by Capcom – Okami has some kick-butt visuals, and they're all compiled in this kick-butt art book.
- Street Fighter: The Complete History by Chris Carle – A nostalgic thrill-ride for those who lived it. An important history lesson for others.
- Guinness World Records 2010: Gamer's Edition by Brady Games – Tons on interesting facts and trivia. Sometimes gets bogged down in industry achievements.
- Unplugged: My Journey into the Dark World of Video Games Addiction by Ryan G. Van Cleave – I've ordered this and it's on the way. A guy's story of his addiction to WoW, which apparently almost cost him his marriage and life! Is WoW really that good?!
- 1,001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die edited by Tony Mott – I've preordered this. It comes out in October. Over 900 pages of must-play video games. Fan-awesome-tastic!
So that's my library so far. What other books should I add to it?