I'm going to quit drinking coffee this month. Each week I'm going to cut my coffee drinking in half and see how it goes. (After the last week, I'll stop completely so that I don't get stuck in a caffeinated Zeno's Paradox.)
I'm not going off of caffeine altogether, mind you. Tea and chocolate (and Coke when I have headaches) are still fair game. I'm just going off coffee. I drink too much and it wastes cash that I could otherwise be spending on MOAR GAMEZ!!!1!
Let's see if I can do it… I have a tendency for migraines and I have a kid who likes getting me up before 5:30 a.m and coffee helps me deal with both of these…
Why do I mention this in a games blog? Well, as a side study, I'm going to see if, by the end of the month, I've gotten any worse at video games for lack of any coffee-induced buzz. ;)
Here I go.
Man, I'd probably have a better shot at this if I could get a trophy for it…