For some time now I've had Tekken: DR, Wipeout Pure, Lego Star Wars II, and Key of Heaven (aka Kingdom of Paradise) for my PSP. Because of my frequently ludicrously time-consuming job, the only time I have where I can be sure to play my PSP is on the bus to and from work. This bus ride is 20 - 25 minutes in either direction. Because of this set-up, I find that the only game I can play with any amount of satisfaction is Tekken. The game gets straight to the meat: punch, punch, punch, kick, kick, kick, KO. Next. I can get at least a dozen good fights in before I'm off the bus. Butthe other games are little good to me:
With Wipeout Pure, I'm currentlyon the Rapier racing division, which is getting kindachallenging. A shaky bus doesn't help my precision steering. Plus, it usually takes me a good 15 minutes simplyto getinto the groove of controlling the craftbefore I'm able to start playing with any reliability. By this time, I'm pretty much getting off the bus and cursing that I haven't completed a singlecircuit in the top three.
Lego Star Wars IItakes ages to load. Just ages.And you can't save unless you complete a level, which often takes me more than the length of a bus ride (trying to get True Jedi and all the minikits and all).
Key of Heaven/Kingdom of Paradise has so many extended talking heads cutscenes (don't the writers know anything about drama? that you need more than just stationary people talking!?), and such sparsely spaced pseudo-action that 20 minutes is just enough to have a fight or two and thenlisten to Shinbu once again demonstrate his total ignorance of everything that's going onto all those in Ouka. C'est quoi le point?
Anyway, the purpose of this rant is just to bemoan my lack of bitesize friendly games. I guess fighting games are best built for quick action. Anyone think that Guilty Gear Judgment or Naruto Ultimate Ninjaare any good?