I cannot stop playing DJ Hero. I've been playing it almost exclusively since Christmas, and I still can't get enough. I need to take a break though; if I keep it up, I am almost certain to get carpal tunnel from the turntable controller, especially now that I'm trying to 5-star all songs on expert. Ugh. I'm amazed at how much I'm enjoying this game. I'm glad it won for GameSpot's 'Most Surprisingly Good Game.' I completely agree.
But, I will take a break and play Batman: Arkham Asylum and some of my old PSN games (Super Stardust HD, Critter Crunch, Shatter, WipEout HD) instead. I find I'm becoming a bit of a trophy chaser. Recently, I got a couple of the tougher trophies in Super Stardust HD—the 10X-multiplier one and the 15-tokens-in-a-single-boost one—and I was pretty pleased, and I enjoyed the process of getting the trophies, so why not, eh?
Batman's off to a good start, but I find something about the controls a bit wonky. Every time I enter a ventilation shaft, I start spinning in circles, and in the opposite direction from what I would expect. Although the game allows you to invert the analog sticks for camera movement, I just can't seem to get used to controlling the camera in this game no matter which way I set things. I'm always moving itin the wrong direction, and it'sreally slowing down my progress.Oh well. It's a small matter and either I'll get used to it or I'll give up after catching one too many boots to the throat from Harley Quinn while Ifigure out how tostop staring at the ceiling.
Ugh. What a stressful thought. Maybe I should play some more DJ Hero to unwind.
Or do I mean 'rewind'?