I got the Tetris PSP Mini. The game itself is awesome. You can't go wrong with Tetris. But it takes just as long to load as a full-size UMD game. Why? The Minis splash screen stays up much longer than it needs to and you can't skip any of the game's opening screens.
If the NES could have you up and playing Tetris within 7 seconds of turning on the system, why can't the PSP have you playing a 21MB game, specifically referred to as a 'Mini', running off the memory card, at least within 7 seconds of selecting the game?
End aerobie rant Mini.
Speaking of Tetris: If you have not yet seen The God of Tetris, then you must see The God of Tetris.
Addendum: I checked my watch last time I played PSP Tetris. On the PSP-Phat, 55 seconds elapsed between launching the game and actually getting to play the game.