There weretwo Irishbrothers who owned a bar. They had had a burglary and decided to get a guard dog, so the younger of the brothers went to buy a guard dog from the best dog place in town. The owner of the place showed him a little chihuahua. The Irish man was not convinced:
"That? A guard dog? You're out of your head!"
"He's not only a guard dog." The owner insisted. "He's also a karate expert!"He places a board before the dog and gave the command. "Karate dog, board."
The dog broke the board in half, but the Irishman wasn't convinced.
"I still prove it to you." The dog owner said. He placed a bigger board before the chihuahua. "Karate dog, bigger board."
The dog shattered the board, but the Irshman still wasn't convinced. The dog owner brought out a brick.
"Karate dog, brick."
The dog broke the brick. The Irishman bought the dog and brought it to his brother who thought he was nuts.
"That? A guard dog?" the older brother yelled."You're out of your head!"
"He's not only a guard dog." Theyoungerbrotherinsisted. "He's also a karate expert!"
"Karate expert, my left nut!!!"
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