Her name is Vanessa Anne Hudgins; she's one of the stars of that over the top Disney move, "High School High." Haven't seen it yet, but it's supposed to be good. Anyway, she's got this music video where she comes off as.... mature. She's what?... Fifteen, Sixteen, and she seems to have killer legs and she's making come-hither looks, and generally vamping her viewers, and I realize, my lord, I'm old enough to be her father!!! Her "High School High" co-star Ashley Tisdale isn't quite so blatant, but she's also trying to be more mature than her years. About the only teen pop star who isn't pulling this schtick is Miley Cyrus, aka Hannah Montana. She's funny, charming and infectious and I can't get her songs out of my head, but with Vanessa and Ashley I'm thinking, why can't I be fifteen again or wishing they were old enough to have gone to school with me. I'm not a creep, I'm not trying to be, but I think young girls should behave as young girls. Did we not learn anything from the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey? She was murdered by someone who tried to abduct her. Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera? Pop stars to Rock Goddesses practically overnight. I blame it on the moral degradation of modern teenagers. As Gil Grissom says, "You can give teens a moral compass, but it's up to them to follow it!"
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