19/11 -- New Surprises
by afenla on Comments
There was a time yesterday I had no pending submissions. But as you probably know me, it passed pretty fast. I have 22 pending right now. During work, few were accepted (exluding the 22). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 13 @ 79% ( +44% ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'm soon over with Level 13. Tough I got this bad feeling from danasdude... Never mind. I got a show where I have to arrange stuff, it helps. Speaking about getting a show... One new show guide: O'Hara, U.S. Treasury. Old series from the 70's about an investigator in the US treasury. The guide was completely a mess, unarranged and was lacked of info. I still have much work out there. Soon: New people guide. I submitted 19 submissions yesterday, few went through. When they get accepted all, I will be editor. I currently have 2 shows and 8 people. Byebye Amigos!