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Watch The Tables Turn

Some hidden words, dedicated to Elin! I've been working the night yesterday. Again. Does this life can ever be fair? Every second weekend is being destryed by work, and/or rain, and/or whatever else with the same idea. That's why I didn't blog yesterday, and almost couldn't find the time to blop a lil. But I did blopped, for the record, and/or the CD, and/or the tape cassette that was bought 10 years ago and didn't melt yet :D I know, I'm a lil bit crazy today. Between Wednesday to Thursday I slept 3 hours, I slept 4 hours Thursday noon, 6 hours during work, and 8 more hours today morning-noon. A bit odd, and/or weird, and/or totally insane. Now I'm ok, but I feel I should post a funny blog. Are you all ok with it? :P
I'd never sleep on such a pillow. It scares me. Sleeping and dreaming about binary numbers, you might fall off to the Matrix reality. I had enough programming during highschool, I love it no more :lol: Talking about dreaming, who never dreams about the past? About going back in time to when everything was so calm and easy, so innocent and naive? I'd personally like to return to the 90s, when I was still a young student. But since the 80s wasn't bad at all too, here's a merchandise. Darren Hayes - 1980 Me (Crush) Darren Hayes, ex lead singer of Savage Garden (Note to self- bring some Savage Garden music to hear here), with a song fully dedicated to the lovely 80s, from the games, to the cloths and the people. Worth watching. The above blog, and/or its writer, and/or its readers, should not, can not and must not be taken seriously, theoretically and/or virtually, horizontally and/or vertically. There's a present for Elin around there in the blog ;) Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla