mw2 doesnt deal with moral dont have a choice in that mission you just follow along essentially like a moveable camera in the cutscene....believe me the first thing i tried to do was kill all the terrorists. If the plot was better devised, the level might have had the opportunity to become something a lot more challenging, choice based and interesting in narrative - the way it stands it doesnt really do anything for the game - except get publicity. the rest of the game sees you take out hundreds of enemy soldiers single handedly, however four other dudes in n elevator, from behind, are too hard to kill before they strike??? the rest of the levels are fun, but to have the 'plot' pivot in that mission was pretty silly... anyways..
region locking is the most facist, soviet, archaic, greedy, controlling, useless, devolving infrastructure ever created by dickhead business men to control markets around the world. It is preventative of the enjoyment of games and DVDs. They need to make products that consumers want to buy, and they need to compete in a proper balanced economic competition, not force them to buy products in specific countries for NO REASON - the real criminals are the people that invented region locking. consumers are not going to bring the industry to its knees - if it happens it will be because the industry does not evolve and try to remember that it is trying to offer us services and products at a price - they need to remember WE own them and we are always right. They need to offer something worth buying if we are to want to buy it. Stop blaming piracy, and start making worthwhile products - you sound like the dated music industry. Games in Oz are a rip-off.
"Crago believes that the only way to stop video game piracy is to stop making PC games" heheh talk about a method that will hurt the industry even more - take away games form the biggest most flexible platform :S heres an idea - develop some games with value that people want to pay for. Games are a rip off plain and simple. They seem to be priced based on popularity, which is silly since its all subjective anyway. CDs and DVDs arent priced on whether someone thinks they are cool - they are generally a set price. I saw a SECOND HAND copy of MGS4 the other day for 90 dollars...second hand?!?! i don't care if they think its awesome or not - its SECOND HAND?! anyways.... stop trying to make consumers feel like criminals and make products that will sell more - its a business problem THEY need to solve - value add you dorks - make decent demos, give me some free sh**, pander to my every whim and THEN ill think about buying your badly animated, poorly controllable crap.... stop sounding like the dated music industry - get back to basics and remember that consumers PWN you and you need to develop a model of business that makes people want to buy your product instead of NOT wasting their money on it. wateva... i think ill go and play star control 2 which cost me like 2 dollars in a bargain bin the other day yet still ****s all over your new games...
agentarthur's comments