I own both consoles, my original choice was the PS3. But I eneded up getting a 360 due to the numerous delays on the PS3's release. I think at the moment the XBOX 360 has the better exclusives. But you have to take note that the 360 has had more time to build this up and the PS3 haven't released a lot of the big name exclusives from the previous consoles. I think MGS will be a big game for the PS3. Also like mentioned previously by someone if you change the colour settings on the PS3 to RGB Full (rather than the preset limited) and turn on Super White it makes a huge difference to the actual lighting on the PS3 (something it looks like Gamespot have failed to do). Still I agree with gamespot about the textures detail the 360 seems to get the best out of the two consoles in this case. But I think it can always improve on the PS3 once the developers have had more time with the PS3 engine and get the full potential from it.
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