This entire Memorial Day weekend, I must have spent 37 hours playing P.N.03. I have been trying to unlock the Papillon suit (for the ummm...obvious perks), but first I had to unlock the Blackbird.
To get the Blackbird, you have to but every suit and unlock every Energy Drive. Considering that I only owned one suit prior to this weekend, that's 2,580,000 points just for the suits, the Energy drives average around 100,000 points each, and I think there are 18 of them. Plus, after I bought the Ultra Blazer, I had to power that up to the max, so that's another several hundred thousand points. That's a lot of money.
So, eventually I got all of the suits and all of the Energy Drives, and finished the game to receive the Blackbird. Then, I had to start a new game to earn enough points to upgrade the Blackbird to the maximum levels.
Now it's on to the Papillon. To get the Papillon, you have to get a Professional ranking in all 50 Trial Missions, and an overall Professional ranking in the story missions. So, I get to level 5 and realize that you have to do it in Normal mode. I was working in Easy mode, because I figured I would get points easier. 24 missions, and I had to start over. Damn.
Well, that pretty much describes my weekend. And while we are on the topic of P.N.03, rate my newest sig: