April 3 to 5th, I was at Cedar Rapids, Iowa for a Future Business Leaders of America Conference. The city smelt like cinnamon cereal since it is the main factory of Quaker Oats is located there.
I manage to get 3rd place in Economics and 3rd place in Business Knowledge and Current Events. I qualifed for Nationals for having making the top 3. The current events test was nice since I like to read facts and stuff. Compared to a speech and debate tournment, the competition is lame.
For entertainment their was a hypnotist Brian Imbus. I managed to be picked as a volunteer. Unfortunately it wasn't what I expected. It was more like a Simon Says type thing. For the sleep thing I was conscious the whole time. The guy next to me would fall mouth first in my lap which was very uncomfortable, and other times I would fall mouth first toward his butt crack. On a positive note a hot looking girl fell mouth first on my lap.