I still love playing games special RPGs & I prefer single player for reasons !!!
Some of my favorite games:
"Mount & Blade Warband: Mod: a clash of kings", "State of Decay", "Assassins Creed Brotherhood", "Stronghold", "Freedom fighters",
"Elder scrolls Oblivion", "God Father 2", "7 Days To Die", "Stalker", "Metro", "Fallout3", "Brother in Arms".
Some of my dream game factors:
Ability to Mine, Farm, Scavenge, Craft ... etc
Building my own Settlement/keep stone by stone,
Learning progress for my character, companions & NPCs
Ability to make traps or digging to make my own moat or pond & such,
Training peasants & citizens into troops/guards/craftsmen/workers one by one & ask them later to train others,
Assigning patrols, Planning their route & rules of engagement,
Ability to have squad/companions to assist/guard (manage their positioning, their leveling up & promotions),
Challenging & creative fight system, specialy finishing moves
Smart AI for NBCs
Dynamic/rich & proper dialogues
Non-player Humans & Creatures get tired too when their stamina is low, like the player do.
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