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ahah2008 Blog

Attention: This is My 112th post! (4 things)

-I'm almost to 115 posts, just a few more to go.

-I want to let you know that I can't wait to form a union this week. According to my levelage, I should be on level 6 soon!

-I'm letting you know we are going to use this blog's thread as a Lounge, where we can post to each other.

-I want to know if you have any unions you think aren't your type, boring, or unwelcoming you and I ask that you resign from them. (I do!)

resigning from unions

I resigned from some unions this week, since there's a maximum 30 unions to be involved in, and since those unions are unwelcoming me and are being boring, I resigned... I'm not going to be active on them anyway!

OMG - I'm So Angry!!!!!

I looked at the part where is lists how many blogs I have and it says 7, could of sworn it said 9 yesterday, anyway I also noticed that I had a load of new messages. Some where union related messages, others where replies from other P.M.'s I sent out. The other ones where Friend, tracking, etc messages AND Vilolations. Appears the 2 blogs where moderated for Swearing when I don't even remember using bad words in them and a few of my forum posts were because of other reasons (Misc.). And I don't even believe I vilated, I wish I didn't get these deleted with point loss cause I would be able to start a union. OH well, maybe next week!

This is rediculous

I resigned from some unions but it still says that I'm a member of the union still. What's going on? It's not that I'm tracking them because when I go to that list is doesn't show any unions, it just shows something else!

Two Things

1. I just got another one of those messages saying i vilated on Someone's blog again. What's going on?

2. My List of Songs for a Game


1A: Love is A Battle Field

1B: Fencey Bride

1C: Caught Up in You

1D: Baby Come Back

(Complete 3/4 of 1A-D to unlock 1Encore-A)

1Encore-A: It's Not My Time

- - - - - - -

This is TBC-ed!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got a PM saying that a Spamed on a someone's blog!

I am so mad! I don't even comment on people's blogs and I get a message saying I lost points for vilating the rules by Spam/Advertising on a blog! Now I do reply on unions blogs (Updates). But I'd think I would vilate in forums if I did ever which I don't even think I ever did at all!!!

What if #2

Some people just don't comment on your blog?

I'd feel horrible and guess what I'm ashamed your not Commenting on my blogs jsut doing your own little bitty things... your meanish sometimes.

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