Good morning, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever it is when you're blessing your eyes with my holy and supreme update, mortals. :P
It has been a while since my last journal entry, mainly because I had nothing to tell- yeah, my life was empty, got a problem with that? :evil:- then I got too busy in my university :?, I barely have the time to get online, too many classes, too many lessons to study, and too many lessons I don't understand :?:? and I thought I was a Maths. freak :roll: :P. But I'm okay, I'll get over it, you know me :).
The Faculty of Computer and Information. The first dream of mine that came true :). They say when one of your dreams come true, you will dare to dream bigger. I have. I couldn't prevent myself from planning the next few steps, or maybe my whole future. After I finish the four years of my college, I shall go to England to get my MA. The government will pay my education fees if my overall grade was A or B , if not- God forbid- my parents will pay them, they can afford it :P. Then, after getting the MA. in ONE year. I will have two paths to choose from. 1. Continue my study and get my PhD. from either Japan or Germany and God knows what happens after that. Maybe I will be a professor at the university here. 2. Find a job in a respected IT. company- outside Egypt of course- then establish my own company when I get enough experience. Of course all of this is too far away, but I like keeping my goals in my head so that I may focus more on my study.
Generally, my mood is very good. It has been a while since I felt my mind at ease like I do now. I can safely say that the stress of the past faded away. There's just a little thing that is bugging me. It is that I found out today that I have a crush on someone with me at college. I really don't have time for this crap. If I really want to be successful then I need to focus on my study not anything else. But again, I'm okay, I'll get over it :P:P
That's it for today folks, now I leave you with the man, the legend, the one and only...
- Current Mood: Very Good
- Currently Listening to: Duncan James - Can't Stop a River